Exercises To Increase Height

Working out your abs will aid your lower back, as well as your posture, with a six-pack is the only potential side effect.
These exercises will target the abs, as well as the obliques. If a six-pack is your goal, following these exercises, as well as the aerobic exercises, the guidelines in the

nutrition section, and the mental excercises section will definitely put them within your reach. This is an extensive abs program, but the stronger your abs are, the stronger your back muscles will be.

The Program

Ab Boot Camp consists of three cycles of a no-rest circuit routine comprised of six consecutive exercises that will hit every part of your waistline. Each complete circuit is followed by a two- to three- minute active rest period. You then repeat the cycle two more times. The whole routine should take about 15 minutes per cycle. If you are not used to high- intensity ab training, you may find that you need to start the program with two cycles the first week before advancing to three.

Although most of the exercises can be performed effectively on the floor or on a flat bench, the use of a decline bench will increase the workout load on your abs.mm86bootcamp03 Abs Workout Exercise Part 1Lower ab crunch- 15 reps. This is a good starter exercise focusing on the lower abdominals
Starting positon:

Lie on the floor, or a flat or decline bench, with your knees bent to a 45 degree angle. mm86bootcamp04 Abs Workout Exercise Part 1The Excercise.

    Bring your knees toward your chest in a slow and controlled manner by contracting the lower abdominals. Return slowly to the starting position. Focus on pulling with

the lower abs. Limit your range of movement to minimize hip flexor involvement.

mm86bootcamp05 Abs Workout Exercise Part 1Leg Raise/Hip Up- 15 reps
This combination exercise targets the lower abs.

    Starting Position

    Lie on the floor, or a flat or decline bench, with your legs straight and hanging slightly over the end. Use your hips to lift your legs until your toes are right above your

navel. Keep your legs straight as you lift them. At this point your legs should be perpendicular to your body (forming a 45 degree angle).

The Exercise

Raise your hips off the bench three to five inches, keeping your legs perpendicular to your body. The hips should be lifted by pushing up with the lower abs. Your feet should move straight up as you lift.

    mm86bootcamp08 Abs Workout Exercise Part 1Side Crunch- 15 reps each side
    This is the most effective exercise I know to work the inercostals (the muscles between your ribs) and the oblique muscles (the muscles along the sides of your abdomen).

    Starting position

    Lie on the floor or a flat or decline bench on your side with your knees bent and your arms holding onto either the end of the bench or something behind you.

The Exercise

Slowly bring your knees toward your chest. Switch to the other side and repeat. Keep the movement short to remove the hip flexors from the motion.


Written by Admin

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